Description meta tags improve search engine ranking.

Your search engine ranking can improve with great description meta tags.

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Description meta tags appear in the <head> section of a web page. It is displayed in some search engines and should contain one or more repetitions of the primary keyword associated with your web page.

In addition to the title meta tag some search engines will display your description meta tags in the search engine results pages.

Google doesn't, but other engines such as AltaVista, Inktomi and FAST do. If you have unique titles on all your web pages and the copy on your site is in final form, description tags are a next logical step.

Your web page description meta tags need to compliment your title meta tag. It needs to tell your audience why they should click on your listing. What's in it for them? Why should they click? What will they find that sets your site apart?

For an improved search engine ranking, it's important to have keywords in your description meta tags, but more importantly , use the description tag to sell your website to your visitors.

Search engines that display the description meta tag typically display around 150 characters of it. Unlike the title tag, which is often limited to displaying 70 characters, you can put a more complete sentence or sales pitch in the description tag.

Meta description tags goes in the <head> section of your web page just like the title meta tag. If you already have title tags in the <head> section of your webpages, when your description tags are added it will look like this:

<title> Searching for my keywords? Find keyword here! </title>
<meta name="description" content="Tell me why I should click here and make sure to use your keywords in this description">

The bold text is where your actual description will be in the code of your web page.

Be creative and use your primary keywords in your "description meta tag".


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